Sue designs bespoke workshops for a variety of audiences. Examples of some of the workshops are detailed below:
1. Narrative Practices for Coaches - Drawing out your client's story
Audience: Coaches & Facilitators
Duration: 1 day
Click on this link for more details
One of the central premises of narrative practice is that the way in which we narrate our experiences has a big impact on how we feel and think, on how we see ourselves and our relationships, and how we relate to other people. We look at the neuroscience and emotional registers that support this in current theory. The workshop is structured to deepen our understanding of how to move clients from the static perception of personal narrative to one that is dynamic and relational allowing them to tell their story in a new way. It is an interactive and practical day in which we will learn more about ourselves as well as taking away practical tools to use with clients such as: the extended use of their metaphors, re-authoring conversations, and narrative approaches to time. Here are some of the comments from delegates on the previous course, run in 2016:
“This has renewed my confidence in inviting the client's story of their history”
"Well-paced day. Lots of fabulous experiential learning”
"A warm and welcoming safe space for people to explore as far as they wanted"
"Imaginative, thought provoking, enabling”they were willing. A gentle and restorative day."
2. Narrative workshops for third sector organisations - Storytelling for Impact
Audience: Staff / Managers from the organisation keen to use story in meaning-making for communication / fundraising
Duration: One evening & a day, or one day
3. Narrative workshops for Health Professionals working with clients - Using Life Stories
Audience: coaches, therapists, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, OT’s and anyone working with clients or patients
Duration: 1 day
4. Narrative workshops for Leaders - Storytelling for Influence
Audience: Organisational leaders
Duration: 1 day
5. How to tell a story orally
Audience: Schools, charities, libraries and community groups
Duration: bespoke but typically 1 day
6. Narrative workshops for Mid-life Transition - Preparing for the Next Stage
Audience: Anyone at a transitional stage in their life, e.g. retirement, career change, children leaving home
Duration: 1.5 days
7. Narrative workshops for Teachers - Storytelling in the Classroom: bringing texts alive
Audience: Teaching staff
Duration: 1.5 days
8. Narrative workshops for Students - Communicating with confidence
Audience: A level students
Duration: 3 x 2hr workshops
9. Narrative workshops for Health & Wellbeing - designed for support groups, using myth and wonder tales
Audience: Support Groups
Duration: 1 day workshop
Recent Feedback from people attending Sue's workshops:
“Fabulous. Inspiring, thought provoking and useful, educational, encouraging and enjoyable.”
”Really enjoyed storytelling. Facilitator was really good at keeping group focused.”
”Loved the workshop! Would have liked more! Great lady, full of enthusiasm and ideas.”
”Thought provoking. Could help us stop waffling when explaining a story. Lots of interaction between us.”
For more details on Sue's workshops click on this link:
or get in touch directly with Sue via her contact details below: